This blog needs your thoughts on this…

Posted on September 2, 2011


Right, it’s been an interesting week.  Apart from personal off-screen events which have somewhat diverted my attention elsewehere, there’s been a little blogging and tweeting about this little blog this week.  Suddenly the viewing figures have gone up dramatically, which is both great and a little scary.

So instead of a post about what I’m thinking today, I thought I’d set you a challenge.

The model below is taken from the website of Janellis, a consulting company in Australia.  It’s actually called the Janellis Resilience Model. (And it’s named and linked so it’s really clear that it belongs to them, not me!)

Anyway, I am going to critique this model.  There is a surprising amount that I like about it. (I’m hyper-critical because that’s my job at the moment, so I am surprised).  It’s certainly not perfect but it offers a story that I wanted to share.

Your challenge is to tell me – and your fellow viewers – what you think – before I post my critique.  It’s a one-time thing… are you up for taking part?!


There’s around 100 of you hitting this blog every day, which is great, because now we have a chance to learn from each other.  So go on, be bold and comment.  You can leave your initials instead of your name if you prefer!





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